Writing ethically using ChatGPT: Responsible marketing best practices

In the ever-changing world of digital marketing, artificial intelligence technology has opened up exciting new possibilities for creating content. As a marketing manager, I have to write blogs for my clients. ChatGPT, as an advanced language model developed by OpenAI, has certainly changed the game in recent months. A powerful tool for generating text, it’s wonderful for generating content. But at what price? The ethical use of this technology is crucial to ensure the creation of quality, informative and responsible content. How can we make use of it while retaining control over the information that is published, both for our own business and that of our customers?

To put you in the picture, the original text of this blog was written using ChatGPT. Here I describe the process I went through to get it online, including the specific request made to artificial intelligence. The text you are reading will be followed by the original text generated by OpenAI.

1. Understanding ChatGPT’s limitations

Everyone who has used ChatGPT agrees that it is an impressive tool. It does, however, have its limits. It’s important to understand that ChatGPT is based on pre-trained models that can generate plausible text but are not infallible. The answers generated may sometimes be incorrect, biased or lacking in context. As a writer, you should exercise critical judgment and verify the information provided by ChatGPT before including it in your article. In addition, it is important to contextualize requests made to ChatGPT. Good practice requires the inclusion of specific instructions such as :

  • ChatGPT’s role in the application (you’re a marketer)
  • The precise request (you must write a text of more than 500 words)
  • The subject (the best way to write an article ethically using ChatGPT)
  • Target audience (the text must be aimed at marketing professionals, either contractors or agencies)

This “prompt” is very simple, just a few lines long. The more precise your prompt, the more the information generated will meet your objectives. ChatGPT commands can sometimes be as long as 10 sentences or more!

2. Using ChatGPT as an inspiration tool

ChatGPT can be used as a source of inspiration to generate interesting ideas and angles (such as the text you’re currently reading). It’s a starting point for stimulating your creativity and getting suggestions on topics to explore. It’s important to remember, however, that anything generated by artificial intelligence is based on content that has already been written. So it’s important to add a personal touch, a thought process that will deepen your thoughts and ultimately add depth to your article.

3. The ethics of using ChatGPT

When using ChatGPT to generate content, be sure to respect the fundamental ethical principles of marketing. Avoid misinformation, plagiarism and spreading false news. Be sure to clearly inform readers when part of the content is generated by artificial intelligence. For example, the three lines above were generated entirely by ChatGPT! There’s not much more to say. It goes without saying that misinformation and plagiarism are commonplace in the world of social networking. You therefore have the choice of positioning yourself as the generator of the problem or the solution.

4. Review and edit generated content

ChatGPT can provide a first draft of your article, but it’s essential to review and edit the generated text to make it more consistent, accurate and of high quality. Correct grammatical errors, remove incorrect information, improve the structure of the text to give it your voice, and add richness by adding personal reflections, clarifications or examples based on your experience. After all, it’s your expertise that users and readers are looking for when they read your text.

5. Create original and unique content

Make sure you create original, unique content with a touch of nuance. Avoid simply copying and pasting ChatGPT-generated responses without modifying them (or modifying them using another AI). As a complement to point 4 above, it’s important to add your personal touch, expertise and examples to provide added value to your article. Your personal contribution will ensure that your content stands out and brings a unique perspective to your readers.

Artificial intelligence is undeniably the future. It’s developing at breakneck speed and quietly permeating all spheres of our reality. It can be a valuable asset in the process of writing an article or creating images, but it’s important to use it ethically. Understand the tool’s limitations, use it as a source of inspiration, respect marketing ethics and make your own contribution by reviewing and editing the content generated.

Would you like to learn more or receive training on how to use ChatGPT? Contact us today!

Here is the original text generated by ChatGPT

Title: Writing ethically using ChatGPT: Responsible marketing best practices


In the ever-changing world of digital marketing, artificial intelligence technology has opened up exciting new possibilities for creating content. ChatGPT, as an advanced language model developed by OpenAI, is a powerful tool for generating text. However, the ethical use of this technology is crucial to ensure the creation of quality, informative and responsible content. In this article, we’ll look at best practices for writing an article ethically using ChatGPT.

1. Understanding ChatGPT’s limitations

Although ChatGPT is an impressive tool, it does have its limitations. It’s important to understand that ChatGPT is based on pre-trained models that can generate plausible text but are not infallible. The answers generated may sometimes be incorrect, biased or lacking in context. As a writer, you should exercise critical judgment and verify the information provided by ChatGPT before including it in your article.

2. Using ChatGPT as an inspiration tool

ChatGPT can be used as a source of inspiration to generate interesting ideas and angles. Use it to stimulate your creativity and get suggestions on topics to explore. However, don’t rely entirely on ChatGPT for your entire article. Supplement it with additional research from reliable, verifiable sources.

3. The ethics of using ChatGPT

When using ChatGPT to generate content, be sure to respect the fundamental ethical principles of marketing. Avoid misinformation, plagiarism and spreading false news. Be sure to clearly inform readers when part of the content is generated by artificial intelligence.

4. Review and edit generated content

ChatGPT can provide a first draft of your article, but it’s essential to review and edit the generated text to make it more consistent, accurate and of high quality. Correct grammatical errors, remove incorrect information and improve text structure to make it more readable. As a writer, your expertise is invaluable in improving the content generated by ChatGPT.

5. Create original and unique content

When using ChatGPT, be sure to create original and unique content. Avoid simply copying and pasting ChatGPT-generated responses without modifying them. Add your own voice, expertise and examples to provide added value to your article. Your personal contribution will ensure that your content stands out and brings a unique perspective to your readers.


Using ChatGPT can be a valuable asset in the article writing process, but it’s important to use it ethically. Understand the tool’s limitations, use it as a source of inspiration, respect marketing ethics and make your own contribution by reviewing and editing the content generated. By following these best practices, you can create quality, informative and responsible content that offers real value to your readers.