Understanding digital marketing jargon

The web is part of our daily lives, and has become an essential tool for entrepreneurs to promote themselves.

Having a simple website is no longer enough to gain visibility. To stand out from the crowd, you need a real digital marketing strategy.

But where to start?

There are so many different terms. What’s more, web vocabulary, most of which is English-speaking, changes and evolves, requiring regular adaptation. It really does feel like it’s taking up so much knowledge that it’s discouraging.

I invite you to read on. Let’s demystify the whole thing.

You want to create your website or improve its performance. Your first instinct is to go to Google (to name but one) and perform a keyword search. That’s when endless hours of reading begin, because you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for.

In short, you feel like you’re reading Chinese and overwhelmed by too much information.

In fact, the digital adventure doesn’t end with the design of a website. It goes far beyond that.

What will make people who need your products or services find you online? How do you get on the first page of a search engine?

First of all, your site remains the central platform for your Internet activities. Whether it’s your social networks, your newsletter or your communications, everything brings visitors to your site. And the main purpose of bringing the world here is to turn your visitors into customers.

Also, the more efficient your site is, the better it converts your visitors.

That’s why, by knowing the basics of digital marketing, you’ll be able to know what you need to avoid the most common pitfalls and problematic situations on the web and social networks as an entrepreneur or SME.

This specific jargon can be divided into different categories:

  • Technical vocabulary: hosting, URL, DNS, cPanel…
  • Webmarketing vocabulary: SEO, landing page, Call-To-Action (CTA)…
  • SEO vocabulary: keywords, keyword, internal linking…
  • Advertising vocabulary: newsletter, affiliation, ROI…
  • Statistical data vocabulary: cookie, Analytics, Search Console, My Business, bounce rate, conversion rate…

By knowing these key elements, you’ll be able to determine your needs and understand where the gaps are in your site, for example.

If you know that meta-data is necessary for Google to read your site, you’d be well advised to check (or get the right person to check) that your pages have it. If you don’t, your better-informed competition will pass you by in a web search.

There are many advantages to knowing the key elements of digital marketing:

  1. Know which professional(s) to contact to create your website or for any other specific request;
  2. Learn how to improve your site’s performance and your search engine optimization (SEO) to stand out in search engines;
  3. Stop paying fortunes without knowing if there will be a return on investment;
  4. Improve your general knowledge and get to know the most popular concepts so that you can make an informed choice in the future;
  5. Understand webmarketing in order to take the right action;
  6. Know where to look for the answers you need to know if your strategies are really working;
  7. Learn how to build a successful, high-performance website.

Your company’s financial health depends on knowing the key elements of digital marketing. Making your site on WordPress or Wix won’t have the same implications.

Knowing this jargon is the key to defining your needs specifically so you can make an informed decision about your site platform and/or programmer.

Arcane Evolution offers training on the basics of digital marketing. Find out more: arcaneevolution.com/product/training-the-basics-of-digital-marketing/