Why use WordPress as a platform?

You’ve got an idea, you want to start your own business, but building an online identity seems like a tall order? Think again! So many affordable and simple options are available to you, you just need to look a little harder. Let us save you some time by introducing you to WordPress. Find out what WordPress.com is, what the differences are between WordPress.com and WordPress.org and all the advantages of this CMS.

What exactly is WordPress?

First, let’s establish the basics. WordPress is an online platform that lets users create content freely and at no cost. Often identified as a CMS (content management system), WordPress is available for the creation of any website. As of last year, this software is used by 41% of all sites on the Internet, and not without good reason. Ease of installation, creation and updating are just some of the benefits of WordPress.

WordPress.com or WordPress.org?

It’s important to differentiate between WordPress.com and WordPress.org, because both may not be suitable for all your needs.

The very first distinction to be made between the two platforms is that wordpress.com, like other platforms such as Wix, Squarespace and Webflow, is hosted online. By opening an account with wordpress.com, you’ll automatically have access to a website builder, a domain name and a hosting account – all in one! The advantages of WordPress.com are that it’s easier to learn, website maintenance is included and the subscription includes hosting. However, some disadvantages are also present; there are fewer customization possibilities, monetization options are more limited and search engine optimization (SEO) tools are more restricted. So, you’ll want to turn to WordPress.com if you want an easy publishing approach but your goals aren’t geared towards monetization.

The WordPress.org approach is a little different, though similar. The major change is that for your website to be active, you need to pay for hosting and a domain name with a registrar such as GoDaddy, NameCheap or others. The basic software is still free, but must be downloaded and installed manually at a hosting company. The advantages of WordPress.org are that it’s flexible and much more customizable, it offers several monetization options and it lets you create membership sites and eCommerce stores. More malleable, the CMS requires manual updating.

So, should I use wordpress.com or wordpress.org?

What’s more, if you turn to Web agencies, you’ll find that they very often use WordPress. For example, at Arcane Évolution, we use WordPress.org to build our basic sites. Unlike the WordPress.org version alone, we offer hosting, domain name purchase, basic organic SEO, graphic design for the website and a one-hour training session on delivery so that you can continue to manage it yourself. So it’s much more cost-effective to work with a Web agency! “But how do you choose the right one? For a detailed answer, we’ve got a blog about it on our website!

What are the benefits?

As mentioned earlier, the advantages of using WordPress are numerous!

  1. Easy to use: Indeed, this software is renowned for being very easy to use, making it affordable for beginners.
  2. Free : WordPress is totally free software. However, don’t be fooled; if you’re looking for an economic return in the future, some fees may be involved.
  3. Modelable: Fully customizable, WordPress is adaptable to the image you have in mind for your website. Keep in mind that this software was originally used for publishing and blogging, which makes it very versatile.
  4. Upgradeability: Obviously, thanks to the famous plugins, you can upgrade your website. In this sense, it allows you to continually enhance the qualities of your site by purchasing (and offering free) plugins.
  5. No experience required: WordPress, renowned for its ease of use, is also remarkable for its ease of management. In fact, even the most novice entrepreneur can use it with ease, with just a little training. Because, usually, a specialist is often needed to manage the upkeep of a good website, whereas with WordPress, this can easily be avoided.
  6. Integrated SEO: First of all, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the set of techniques applied to optimize a website’s position in search engines. In this sense, WordPress is known for having an SEO built into the platform, allowing you to give yourself (a little) help in this area. Unfortunately, while handy, this built-in SEO can’t get your site to the front page of a search engine. So you can rest assured that this is an advantage that few other website builders offer!
  7. Almost total control: With the exception of a few limitations, WordPress gives its users a great deal of control over their website and platform. This means you can modify and customize your website at any time!

In short, WordPress has so many advantages that not to use it would be a bit ridiculous, if being self-sufficient is what you want. So don’t be afraid when it comes to creating your own website – the solution is never far away! It’s not for nothing that WordPress has stood out since its creation many years ago.

If you have any questions about WordPress or any other subject, don’t hesitate to drop us a line!